A spree of phone-induced accidents is becoming increasingly rampant among Moesburg teenagers. The culprit seems to be a social media app called BeReal, which, at a random time once per day, allows you to share one photo of what you are doing. It you miss the two-minute time window, your photo is marked as late. 

Some things are innocuous in most scenarios, but completely inappropriate in others. 14-year-old Riley Jones knows this all too well. “I was at my grandma’s funeral when I get the notification. So I snapped a selfie of me and my grandma. My parents were not very happy about that.” 

18-year-old Aidan Lay says, “So, like, I was giving CPR to this guy at the pool when I got a notification that it was time to BeReal. I felt bad for the guy, but if I didn’t post within 2 minutes, I’d miss my opportunity. But I got the picture in time. Unfortunately, I was fired from my job as a lifeguard.” 

“It was the Junior Varsity basketball regional championship,” says 15-year-old Ryan Matthews. “The Moesburg Moose were down by 3 points near the end of the game. I was dribbling down the court with 10 seconds left on the clock when I hear someone shout ‘5 seconds left for BeReal!’ Good thing I keep my phone in my basketball shorts. I knew I had 5 more seconds to shoot than I did with BeReal, so I snapped a pic. Unfortunately, it took 5 seconds to pull my phone out of my shorts and by the time I snapped the pic, the buzzer went off and the game was over. I may have lost the championship for my entire team, but hey, the pic I took looked pretty good, if I do say so myself.” 

“I was driving on the freeway and I heard that blessed notification, and there wasn’t an exit for another mile and I didn’t know if I’d be able to get there in time,” 17-year-old Naomi Humphreys explains. “It would be so embarrassing if my friends saw that I posted late. So I tried to snap a quick pic, but it wasn’t quick enough. Anyway, it was nice of you to come visit me in the hospital.” 

5630cookie-checkAccidents Caused by BeReal

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